Frame challenge here (what a surprise!)
You certainly know you're not going to stop DIY forums all over the world from talking about electrical, just because of your beliefs.
Scaremongering is inappropriate. Stop it.
As we have said many times, "Hire a Professional" answers are not answers because every question could be answered with that. See also this, this, this and this. This is well-trod ground.
But here's the bigger problem. If you scare-monger for electrical (or ban electrical questions), then what happens with all of these?
- Roof work questions (people die every day falling off roofs)
- Water feature questions (people drown every day)
- Woodworking / Use of power tools (ditto)
- Landscaping (chainsaws OMFG)
- Cave exploration
- Travel (people die every day doing travel)
- Computer security
- General Aviation
- Artificial intelligence / robotics (robots may take over the world!)
- Bicycle
- Bitcoin (I hear people get swindled every day)
- Electrical engineering
- Law (definitely no place for amateurs)
- Medical sciences
- Motor vehicle repairs
- Psychology (suicides)
- Cooking (again, people die every day from botched food prep)
- The Great Outdoors (an Australian, of all people should appreciate its lethality)
The bottom line is, the world is choc-a-bloc full of dangerous things. Making choices about dangerous things is part of the human experience.
And people make those choices for themselves. You don't get to choose for them.
Since people certainly do have Q&A about those choices, forum operators across the Internet run a wide variety of forums for them to discuss those choices. Those other people get to do that. Unmolested. Because you do not control them, nor do you have any right to control them.
Nor do you have "free speech" on a forum whose domain name is owned by someone other than yourself. Because "free speech" on the Internet is actually "freedom of the press" - go ask on, oh wait. That would be practicing law without a license. Go pay your lawyer for legal advice.
Wow, it kinda sucks when someone tells you to spend your own money needlessly, huh? Think about that.
Not frame challenge, just ranting.
Look at your latest trick, here. If you actually read the question, you'd see the person isn't looking for a DIY solution - just wants to know where the problem area lies to know which pro to call.
So this person was already pre-sold on your POV. Yours was not an answer to the question. You didn't even notice -- because you had a "full head of steam" to fly away on your rant. This level of inappropriateness and ignorance was highlighted when ThreePhaseEel aptly observed:
part of the problem is that your average US electrician isn't really qualified to work on a GAS appliance!
Your axiom is "hire professionals, don't DIY", but you violated your own axiom by "going off on a tear" and disregarding what the question actually was. You sent OP to the wrong professional. It's so misguided that it pretty much proves you don't even read questions (so definitely not here to help): to you, questions are none but an orifice to vent your rage.
It's one thing if it happens once. But on, 6 of your 8 answers are this (as of last night).
And the other two:
- "Is it OK to daisy-chain power strips" customized rant that suggests having actually read the question, but still, more of the same.
- "How to mount solar inverter" another "did not read the question" answer, proposing a totally unfit fastening that would cause a big electrical problem when the solar inverter falls off the wall. Proving you are out of your depth. Physician, heal thyself.
Your motivation was made clear in comments:
Harper: You have 8 answers on this forum. Six of them say "Hire an electrician" with a wall of scare-text. Those answers do not belong on this site. Please discontinue such answers. Honestly, we don't pop into RPG.SE going "Doesn't matter, the GM can override" for every rules question... what you are doing is the equivalent.
Nick012000: @Harper-ReinstateMonica That's because "Hire an electrician" is the correct answer. Where I live, it's illegal to do anything else, and, frankly, the fact that America's laws allow DIY electrical work is appalling - and, frankly, it should be banned from this site for being off-topic because it should never be DIYed. Like one of the answers in that linked question says, people die in house fires every day due to shoddy electrical work. If he DIYs this, he is putting lives in danger.
Harper: That's exactly what you need to stop saying. You are wrong, and you are readily admitting that you are an anti-DIY crusader. Fine, you can have that opinion; but that opinion does not control the world, and you can't use that opinion as an excuse to vandalize stacks. Come on, man, this is not adult behavior.
nick012000: I'm writing a question on Meta asking for these questions to be banned from this site, because they are not suitable for DIY. If "hire an electrician" isn't an acceptable answer (it's the only acceptable answer), then they should be closed as off-topic.
Harper: What??? This user is asking what the issue could be. It isn't even a question on how do DIY something and there's no indication that OP intends to do any DIY, and may simply replace the oven. (or have it repaired by an appliance repairman... an electrician would be a waste of money here). Your choice of this question to rant, doesn't even make any sense, given the dozens of complex electrical questions we have fielded this week.
Nick012000: I didn't see those questions. I saw this one. Also, now that I think of it, frame challenges are generally considered valid answers.
So it's perfectly clear that you are "sniping" indiscriminately, not at all based on a skill assessment of OP, whose questions you do not even read; but rather, you simply core-dump to whichever questions you happen to see on HNQ.
This is a corrupt motivation, and you should not be posting with that motivation.