I am a total newbie at DIY, and really grateful for this site as the high-quality resource that it is. I really appreciate that knowledgeable people take the time and effort to answer my questions.
How much follow-up is it appropriate to request from a question answerer? In my case, I asked this question a few weeks ago. Someone gave a great answer, but it didn't work because of some constraints. (Which I had not included in my original question; my mistake.) I added those constraints in the comments, and the original answerer expanded their answer to address those. This happened twice.
I now have yet more questions on the project. Since I'm a novice, I've called in some professionals to do some of the work that I don't have the skills or tools for, and they all disagree on what would be the best way. (So e.g. the company I tried to buy one of the parts from insisted that it would need to be installed completely differently than the original answerer suggested.) I would love to ask the original answerer for their opinion, but that seems like really imposing on them. (I did post a comment in response, but am considering deleting it.)
The standard SE answer is "post a new question on the new issue", but it's not really a new issue. It's an additional constraint on the same issue.
What should I do in a situation like this, and how much back-and-forth about specifics and difficulties that crop up is too much for the site?