This question about testing a breaker by short circuiting it made it to the HNQ list. Looking at the edit history, I note that NialC removed it from that list.
I fully understand that action from the perspective of "it's not good to widely broadcast an idea that is dangerous to the point of being potentially fatal". I'm wondering, though, if it may be better for the very emphatic DON'T DO THAT answers to be a bit more widely spread via HNQ to help counteract the bad advice being spread on LookAtMeTube.
I don't know if it can be added back in to the HNQ, and it should definitely be protected if it is, but my question, in general, is:
Should we minimize the spread of questions like these where someone is questioning some potentially dangerous advice heard elsewhere and getting answers that counter that advice, possibly saving property and lives, or should we encourage the spread of the counter information pointing out just how dangerous the bad advice is?