Looks good to me.
It occurred to me that "cooling" would be a good synonym for "air-conditioning", so much so that I retagged the A/C escaping down the staircase question, intending to propose it. However, I forgot that under the new synonym system, I'd need a score of 5 in the tag (which I don't have) so someone else will have to do it if they think it's a good synonym.
I took a quick look through the tags related to energy sources and it seems to me that they're being used accurately and descriptively. Some thoughts from my trawl:
- natural-gas (2 questions) is a synonym for gas (18 questions) but I don't have the rep to propose it.
- 1 question tagged oil-burner
- 3 questions tagged woodstove
- 3 questions tagged with both [electrical] and [heating], two of which could reasonably be retagged with a new electric-heating tag: