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Asking for non-brand specific tool qualities- on topic?

I am looking for a drill press... but I don't want a recommendation for a specific drill press. Instead, I want to know what qualities are important to consider while buying a drill press. I would then choose the drill press based on the most upvoted quality, and descending down the list.

An example quality could look like this:

#Work Light

A work light is important to get on a drill press because it allows you to see what you are doing with greater detail. Among other things, a work light can also help make more precise holes in material. Because it is sometimes dim under the top of the drill press, these lights come in handy often.

This question would be in the vein of What to look for in buying laminate flooring and What are the things to look out for when buying a motion detector? and especially What to look for when buying recessed lights?

Is this on-topic? I feel like solid answers for questions like these could be immensely helpful and in the spirit of SE.