Should questions about building codes and electrical codes be considered on-topic? StackExchange sites usually shy away from narrowly localized questions, but building and electrical codes have many commonalities within the United States. And knowing the answer even for a different locality than your own is informative: at the very least, it helps you find the terms to search for in your local code.
3 Answers
I think they should be on-topic but have to be tagged with the location. Otherwise people will not know that they have to keep to codes.
2I think answers should specify location. The question can be more general and collect answers for different localities. Commented Jul 22, 2010 at 19:30
I'd be erring on the side of caution and saying "Off Topic" - as you said, they're SO localised.
And I don't mean any offense to anyone, but the fact of the matter is that a lot of people forget that there's a big wide world out there and that their codes may not be the same as someone elses.
For example, I saw a question regarding rewiring electrical sockets, and the colours they used for the wiring are different to the colours we use in Australia, which may cause problems if I were an Australian coming on here and seeing "Oh, look, brown = neutral" when in fact brown = active.
At the very least these must be tagged.
Power is especially tricky, not least as in some places it's illegal to do unlicensed electrical work.
The site should definitely have a large disclaimer somewhere disavowing responsibility for breakage, damage, injury or death...