Blog discussion time! In discussions on the Meta we've established that we probably do want a blog to tell stories and share pictures and media that don't fit into the format of questions-and-answers. The next step that we have to decide on is who is willing to contribute to the blog, and who will edit the contributions.
As far as content -- A lot of people seem to have stories to tell if the Thursday Project chats are any indication. We've identified a few that we definitely want -- such as ongoing projects like @Jay Bazuzi's yurt, the variety of projects (from full guts to quick flips) that I'm working on with friends, and experienced contractors like Steve Jackson and their wealth of jobsite stories and experience. However, we need to establish a consistent way for users to get access to the blog to contribute.
Another issue with the blog is that we have to have an active editorial staff to make sure that content gets posted on a timely basis and meets standards. We need people who are willing to log in and read contributions, edit them for factual content and grammar without changing the core content, and post them. I would like to have several people involved with this process.
So the second thing that we need to establish here is how the blog will be edited, who will have editor/administrator access, and how long that access will last (if not "as long as the user is active") and how successors are appointed. Those people will then be responsible for setting editorial standards, recruiting posters, and establishing a schedule of some sort.
(Note: I am specifically asking for people who want to contribute and to edit the blog to step forward here as an answer. I'm willing to lead to an extent, but I do have a tendency to run off for a month at a time to gut part of a house.)