This answer doesn't seem to actually answer the question, so I went to flag it as "Not an answer" *.

The dialog box that pops up gives me precisely one option:
enter image description here

Why do I only get that one option for flagging.

* NOTE: This question is NOT about whether that is an answer or not, it's only about the flagging options presented.

NOTE 2: That answer is now deleted. Maybe I hit it in a transitory state where I'd loaded the page prior to the final delete vote (so it appeared to still be there), but by the time I went to flag it, it had been deleted.

  • 1
    I think your second note is a self answer. That's the popup when the answer is deleted.
    – BMitch Mod
    Commented Feb 19 at 16:09

1 Answer 1


You saw only one option because the post had been deleted by the time you tried to raise a flag. At that point, there's not much that can be done to the post -- the only thing I can think of is editing -- that doesn't need moderator abilities.

  • Basically my note 2. That made more sense when I went back to get the question link, but it was utterly confusing at first glance.
    – FreeMan
    Commented Feb 19 at 16:16

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