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3 votes
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Is there still a need for Project Update Thursday?

The weekly PUT meetings have been fizzling lately, mostly because many of the regulars are busy with our lives. Do we still need to have a PUT, should it be changed (new time?), or is there something ...
BMitch's user avatar
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3 answers

Do you all like Project Update Thursday?

Now that we've had two Project Update Thursday sessions, I figured I'd ask: how are we liking them? I intend to continue them (they've got multiple net benefits, which I've mentioned before) but I'm ...
Aarthi's user avatar
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What do you think of a regular chat event called Project Update Thursday?

In my last question, I mentioned a regular chat event as a way of getting more support for a DIY blog. Starting a regular chat event would demonstrate commitment as well as our ability to provide ...
Aarthi's user avatar
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Chat session to discuss site promotion - Wednesday 17th August, 21:00 UTC

Right - time is moving on so we need to get this moving. Based on discussions arising from this question I think the best time for this would be this Wednesday at 21:00 UTC. That's: 22:00 BST 17:00 ...
ChrisF's user avatar
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Why is the main chat room frozen?

I was going to post a message in the site's main chat room but it's not visible by default in the list of DIY chat rooms. When I click on the Show Frozen/Deleted Rooms button and join the room, I get ...
Niall C.'s user avatar
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What can/should we use chat for?

I noticed that chat is up now. What can/should it be used for? I like the idea of real-time communication but can't think of an appropriate use case for it. -M
Mike B's user avatar
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Chat room doesn't exist?

Chat rooms are referenced here -- Yet when I try visiting the url (, I get an error. Is this working for anyone?...
Mike B's user avatar
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